Subject: Sun not shining? Perhaps this will brighten your day

Hello Friend,

It's hard to believe, but we have already come to the end of January.

Where did the month go, is the question I was asking when I looked at the calendar today. 

January was a pretty gloomy month around these parts; the Sun was hardly out at all.

Fortunately, it's made a re-appearance the last few days which is really encouraging.

I don't mind if it's -19C outside if the sun is shining outside.   

All you have to do is dress properly for the weather conditions.  

That's they secret.

The SUN is also shining on these new Coronado Solar Scopes & Accessories that we have on sale right now.

direct link:

 If you are planning to observe the Solar Eclipse this August, then you best get prepared now.

It is going to get harder to get H-alpha telescopes in a timely fashion in the next few months.

Why? They are not mass produced items. They are manufactured and tested on small production lines
due to the stringent testing that has to be done.

So when product runs out, it takes time to manufacture new inventory.

Anyway, you've  been warned so don't come crying later on.

The savings are too good to pass up right now, and that will come to an end soon.  

I am going out for a walk to enjoy some sunshine before it disappears.

Clear (and sunny)  Skies,

Ray Khan