Subject: Strangest star in the Universe?

Hello Friend,

   No doubt you have heard about   KIC 8462852.

Seems a couple of postdoctoral graduates, one  at Yale, Tabby Boyajian and Penn State astronomer
Jason Wright
have recently noted a very strange and bizarre giant structure orbiting
that particular star.

    What makes it most unusual is that it is not like anything they have ever seen before.

The light curves emanating from the star reveal that a huge object, which is about
half the width of the star, is not only blockiing the light, but in very unpredictable
bursts, over time.

So it is not periodic, such as an orbiting planet would be.

  The next step will be to take spectral images of the star, so they can compare it when it is
dull, and when it is bright.

There have been some suggestions that it might be an alien built structure.

And even the discoverers have said they can't rule out that possibility at this time.

    It is also possible that Bigfoot is an alien as well, and not of this earth.

Just saying....

How far is this particular star from earth?

The star KIC 8462852 is over 1,400 light years from Earth.

      Good news! Because we can then prepare for any possible alien invasion
in consideration of the distance involved.

Now for news of another "invasion".

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Clear Skies,

Ray Khan