Subject: Spotlight on Jim Hesser

Hello Friend,

And the lucky winner of the Celestron 130 Skyprodigy telescope is....

Betty Hesser.

Last night at the RASC Banquet, here in Victoria, BC I was very happy to announce
the winner of this wonderful Self aligning computerized scope , donated by Khan Scope Centre
and Celestron.

     The Victoria Centre of the RASC , under the direction of Paul Schumacher had worked very
hard to produce such a wonderful event.

    Heck, we even had a visit by her "Royal Majesty, and Kate  "(I'll post a picture later)
and  a good time was had by all.

The featured speaker of the event was Bob McDonald of the CBC, the host of the Quirks and Quarks

Back to Betty Hesser.   Betty's husband is Jim Hesser.   Jim recently retired from his position as director
of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. (DAO)

Jim has also been a tireless contributor to the advancement of amateur astronomy, over the years
and as amateur astrononomers we are fortunate to have someone of his calibre who has contributed
so greatly to the bonding of professionals and amateurs.

Now, since Jim has given up his big telescope at the DAO, his wife Betty says, that if he behaves,
she might let him use her new  Celestron Sky Prodigy 130 telescope.

So Jim, you've been put on notice.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan
PS  If you ever get to Victoria, be sure to be visit the Centre of the Universe, and if possible take a tour
      of the DAO Observatory, where the legacy of founder John R. Plaskett lives on.