Subject: Sooner or later, Love is going to get ya'

Hello Friend,

Spring is here (well around the corner anyway).

And Love is in the air.

Yes, the love of astronomy for sure, you will be more motivated to wipe the dust off your telescope and actually
think about taking it out and using it.

But I am talking about the other kind of love.  You know the one that involves the opposite sex.

What the heck has that got do with astronomy, you are asking?

Listen carefully: How you treat your telescope is how you are going to treat your spouse or GF/Partner.

(This applies to everyone, I'll just use Gals in this example though)

If you are taking your telescope out and using it, you are getting some pleasure and joy from it, no?
It's exciting. You look forward to observing or imaging objects.

Same thing with your  Gal.

If you are are interacting with her and treating her well,  joy will be yours.
On the other hand, if you ignore her or get bored with the relationship she is going to notice and 
your relationship will end up in the toilet and she act up or even get fed up and possibly dump you.

So word on the street is to smarten up and pay attention.

On the other hand, if you are the recipient of poor treatment, then simply ask what's wrong
and listen carefully to what you are told.

Then do something about it or if you can't or wont' get out of the relationship.

"Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson....

That's why the divorce rate is well over 50% in Canada today.

The only winners in that game are usually the lawyers. 
with no disrespect intended to any sharks  lawyers reading this right now. 

Something to think about, compadre.

 Let's get back to telescopes now. Perhaps your current telescope is too heavy and you don't want to drag it out.
So you neglect it. It doesn't get used. That's a red flag right there.

Or, possibly your personal circumstances have changed you now live in a condo or apartment, smaller house
or want something you can take to the cottage.

Well as I have been telling you the past few days. one of the "sexiest" telescopes you can buy today that is 
kinda like a Jennifer Love Hewitt .

Here it is:

Today is the last day you can buy this "hottie" for a $100 off the regular price.

So, take action because this deal ain't coming around again anytime soon  (and neither is Jennifer Love Hewitt either).

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS 'Here is the 
link again.   We are open Easter Monday from 10 to 7 pm, you can take advantage of this offer
until 23:59 pm today. If you placed an order over the weekend, we expect to ship it today as
 Canada Post have a legal holiday today it likely won't ship out till Tuesday.