Subject: Some people will believe anything

Hello Friend,

Book upon book has been written about UF0's, and government conspiracies to cover them up.

Some people love to believe in aliens landing on the earth,  abductions, and cow mutilations and all kinds of
crap like that.

Some of the rubbish that is written is almost beyond belief.

That's why a dose of good old healthy skepticism is a good thing.

What makes matter's worse, is that certain so called educational channels on television, play some of this
stuff up and create programs based on scant "evidence".

And this is really one of the reasons, that science education amongst the masses is so neccessary.

Never mind all the "woo woo" nonsense that's purported to be fact.

Science continues on a daily basis to unravel many mysteries of the Universe, and while it's a
slow process, and at least it provides real value to moving society forward.

You can do your little bit for science by inviting someone you know, who has never looked through
a telescope before, to have a gander through yours, Friend.

Or simply, point out a constellation in the night sky to them, and explain a bit about it.

You'd be surprised at how interested people can be, when they are exposed to some backyard science.

And it's a fact today, that amateur astronomers are great contributors to the field of science, because
the technology and equipment is available to them to make great discoveries.

And many have the time to do the research that professionals simply can't due to limited time
and resources.

Case in point: Amateur astronomer and author, David Levy who discovered the impact of Comet
Shoemaker Levy.

Or  amateur astronomer, and former khanscope employee  Eric Briggs, who discovered 5 supernova's.
   (Eric made a point of reminding me about at a recent function we attended  ;) 

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Now here is an offer you really can believe in; Get a FREE Celestron 7amp power tank (about a $100
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     Here is the link again: