Subject: Some feedback on female members in astronomy clubs

Hello Friend

Thanks to the many of you who responded with your
comments on this particular subject that I wrote about in my last email.

    First of all a few  female members of astronomy clubs happily noted
that this was not an issue at their particular club, and they were
treated and welcomed as "just one of the guys", when they joined.

    So that was encouraging to hear.

I heard from another fellow who said that I shouldn't even be talking about
this particualar subject matter, because he could care less and what did it
have to do with astronomy anyway?

Well, I have a somewhat selfish reason for this actually.

And here it is: I have certainly seen an increase in the past several years
of more women getting into the hobby and buying equipment.

And yet, not many of them end up joining the clubs.  

I want them to do that, so they are encouraged and maintain
their interest in the hobby.

     So I began to wonder why.

One female reader suggested it might be because when they show
up at a club meeting, the number of males far out number, the female

That could be a tad intimidating I suppose.

      From a retail point of view, we treat all our customers equally. 
Male or Female.

Does not matter. 

    If someone has an interest, we want to encourage it.


And at the end of the day, growing the hobby of astronomy is what it's all about.

The more people who are interested, and maintaining there interest.
and enjoying it, the better of for all of us.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  We have some of the Mallincam All Sky Camera's in stock. Check these out here