Subject: Simple = Sexy

Hello Friend,

Yes, it is true: Simple can be sexy when done the right way.

Have you noticed that sometimes as amateur astronomers we can tend to overcomplicate the hobby?

This past fall,  we had some reasonably dark skies on Manitoulin Island; It got dark early, no bugs around
and the skies were ideal to do some quick after dinner observing.

One of the things I absolutely enjoy doing is testing out new products that we receive over the course of the year.

Not just the fancy stuff, but sometimes the simplest stuff.  

In this case, it was the long-awaited Celestron 20 x 80 Skymaster Pro Binoculars  

direct link: 

It took Celestron over two years to bring this product to the marketplace after they announced it.


Well because the Quality control team at Celestron, headed by Bryan  Cogdell at Celestron
was super fussy about every detail about this particular binocular.  They rejected each production model
until finally, they got what they wanted.

The last piece of the puzzle was getting the eyepieces just right so that stray light did not interfere
when the observer was using them.

Simpler said than done.

After having used these binoculars for several weeks, I came to the conclusion that yes indeed:

Simple = Sexy

Simple, because they are easy to use.  Just grab and observe.  What could be sexier than that?

Please.....let's keep this clean, ok?

And in that spirit, you can save 10% off a pair of these binoculars right now when you enter the code
word: sexy in the coupon/discount line when you order online, or call us directly 1 800 580 7160 or
416 783 4140 to order.

Here is the link to order online:  Celestron 20 x 80 Skymaster Pro Binoculars    or only check out
the details for yourself.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS The 10% discount  offer expires December 24th.