Subject: Sick of Winter already? Here's one possible solution

Hello Friend,

       The end of January has finally arrived. We are that much closer to Spring.


And pretty soon, we'll be hearing from that great Winter prognosticator of the far North, the one and only,
Wiarton Willie. 

    Yes, the groundhog that claims to be able to predict whether or not we will have 6 more weeks of winter or not.

Now, I don't know about you, but I've had enough already of Winter this year. 

Enough plowing out the driveway, enough
shoveling off the steps, and enough dressing up in 6 layers of clothing, amounting to looking like the abominable snowman.

So, here's an idea; If Willie the groundhog, predicts 6 more weeks of Winter, then let's just do the right thing, and
send Willie off to Siberia, for a one way trip. 

    Or even off to Sochi, Russia.  

And I'm not suggesting anyone even consider taking him out with a .22.  That's just nasty!

Who eats groundhog stew these days  anyway?  I'm just sayin.....that's all.

      Today is also the last day to take advantage of the Celestron Accessory Sale

10% Discount of Powertanks, and Celestron Accessory Kits.  And the Celestron Starsense Autoalign Accessory.

That all ends today, so hop on over before it's too late, Friend.

Clear skies,

Ray "end winter soon" Khan

PS Groundhog lovers. I know you're out there. Please don't send me nasty emails, thank you.