Subject: Sick and tired of observing under light polluted skies?

Hello Friend,

If you live in a city like Toronto, where I have spent most of my life, you see the dark skies deteriorating year after year 

I actually recall over 30 years ago I could see a 6th magnitude star naked eye from north Toronto on what used
to be farmers fields.

      Anyway,  it's getting harder and harder to observe from the city, and you have to travel at least 2.5 hours by car to get
To dark skies.  (It used to be a 30-minute drive for me to a reasonably dark sky).

Who has the time to do that these days?      

We all lead busy lives (heck, I even have to book appointments and schedule time with my daughters to see them).

Well here is finally an easy to use solution for light polluted sky observers (note: this product works well under dark skies too).

PLUS; A Big bonus is that you can also take images of night sky objects as well!  

And who was the genius behind this? None other than Rock Mallin.

No one knows better than he does when it comes to designing useful products for amateur astronomers that make a
the difference in this hobby.

Check it out right here:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS There is a huge savings offer attached in the above link, which will expire September 26th for this brand new product.