Subject: Secrets of the Bible revealed

Hello Friend,

Well being Sunday and all, I figured it might be a good time to reveal some secrets of the bible.

However, this is not the Holy Bible I'm talking about.

It's the astronomers bible I'm talking about.

And just what would that be?

Well, that would be the RASC Observers handbook for 2015.

This is the goto guide to find out what astronomical events will be occuring on a daily basis
for the following year.

Plus, it's chock full of useful information, and facts from everything on how to stargaze,
do astroimaging, Light pollution.

In fact, here is a list of just some of the stuff:

*moonrise and moonset (for latitudes 20 to 60 N);
*Moon phases and other lunar phenomenon;
*conjunctions, elongations, etc. of the planets;
*eclipses and transits;
*location of the planets and dwarf and minor planets;
*returns of periodic comets;
*times of meteor showers;
*predictions of occultations by the Moon and by planetary bodies;
*the orbital positions of the brighter satellites of both Jupiter and Saturn
*predictions of the cycles of many variable stars.

It's 350 pages packed full of stuff you need to know as an amateur astronomer.

Now you can buy the handbook on it's own.

Or there is a way to get a copy FREE.

We are giving away a copy of this valuable reference  book, with the purchase
of either of these Meade telescope models below:

Don't just wish upon a star... Reach out and grab them with these affordable Meade Telescopes!

The Meade Infinity 102mm Altazimuth Refractor Telescope or Meade Infinity 80mm Altazimuth Refractor Telescope comes complete with everything you need to view the wonders of the night sky the first time out. This affordable telescope delivers bright and detailed images that are perfect for viewing both land and celestial objects. Features a precision Altazimuth Meade Telescope Mount and Tripod with slow motion controls that makes it easy to track celestial objects as they move across the night sky. Comes with 3 Meade Telescope Eyepieces that provide low, medium and high powered magnification for viewing a wide range of objects such as the Moon, planets, or land.

AutoStar Suite Astronomer Edition software included with the Meade Infinity 102mm Altazimuth Refractor Telescope or Meade Infinity 80mm Altazimuth Refractor Telescope will help you learn the night sky. It displays more than 10,000 celestial objects including planets, stars, galaxies and nebulas. You can print out star charts and even plan your observing sessions in advance! But that's not all... Buy either one of these telescopes and while supplies last we'll include The RASC 2015 Observer's Handbook (a $30 value) dabsolutely FREE! The material in the Handbook is of interest to professional and amateur astronomers, scientists, teachers at all levels, students, science writers, campers, Scout and Guide leaders, as well as interested general readers.

Order now and get your choice of these great little telescopes - and our free offer - in time for gift giving!

This offer is for a very limited time, so if you ares looking to buy a reasonably priced gift for someone (or yourself),
Now's the time.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Today's message is brought to you by the one and only. all time rocker  Chuck Berry, with his rendition of
     "Run, run Rudolph"