Subject: Save $50 on the New TeleVue 21mm Ethos Eyepiece!Friend

The New
      Ethos 21mm 2", 100 Degree Apparent Field Eyepiece


Your Opportunity to Save
by Pre-ordering Now!



      We have Limited Stocks arriving in mid- December, and
      since First production from TeleVue is already sold out, we are offering

      this pre-order opportunity to Save
y ordering now. Offer expires November 30th 2009.


      From what we at Khanscopes have seen  and experienced with the
      existing line of Ethos eyepieces, this one will be no exception!



      .Ethos 21mm: Maximize your "Spacewalk" ...


      Focal Length: 21mm

      Apparent Field: 100ᄚ

      Eye Relief: 15mm

      Effective Field Stop Dia.: 36.2mm

      Barrel Size: 2"

      Weight: 2.25 lb.




      Maximize your "spacewalk" experience with the 21mm Ethos.
      Transform your passage through the Milky Way with the 21mm'''s nexus of
      contrast, power and field. Larger deep sky objects and rich star fields
      are its natural playground. Looking on-axis your field-of-vision is filled
      with 100ᄎ of stars, however wherever you chose to concentrate your
      attention you''ll see sharpness and richer contrast.


      The optical performance of the 21mm is the work of Ethos lead designer
      Paul Dellachaiae, who achieved a level of optical aberration correction
      right in line with his other Ethos designs. Contrast and transmission have
      been maximized using the same advanced coating techniques and further
      aided by the internal mechanical design techniques used in all Tele Vue


      Extending the Ethos focal length range to 21mm while maintaining the
      original performance goals of the rest of the series brings the eyepiece
      up against the mechanical limits of the 2 barrel and focus
      constraints. The 21mm provides the maximum true field of view, has no
      significant vignetting at the edge of the field, and is parfocal with the
      31mm Nagler Type 5.


      The 21mm focal length completes the logical set of 21mm/13mm/8mm and
      nicely juxtaposes the 17mm/10mm/6mm combination. Each step within these
      two sets approaches a 3X field area gain. The 21mm'''s effective field
      stop diameter is 36.2mm, bringing its true field close to the 35mm
      Panoptic (38.7mm Field Stop diameter). Its true field is also larger than
      the 26mm Nagler with its 35mm effective field stop diameter. In an f/4
      Dobsonian, the exit pupil is just 5.25mm using the 21mm Ethos instead of
      8.75mm with a 35mm Panoptic, or 6.5mm with a 26mm Nagler.


      Like all Tele Vue eyepieces, every 21mm Ethos goes through our optical and
      cosmetic quality control procedure in Chester, NY and should your eyepiece
      ever need service we can do everything from replacing a dented barrel to
      replacing a scratched eyelens.


      Since all Ethos models accept Dioptrx, you now also have the final
      frontier the ability to compensate for your own eyesight astigmatism
      with a superb multi-coated lens providing your exact correction, rotation
      orientation and centration over the eyepiece. This is the culmination of
      our quest to not only bring you observing experiences &even
      better than you imagined, but a 30-year recognition of being
      tops in the field.



Regular Price: $925

Pre-order Price: $875 (Before
December 1st)

Save: $50!

(applicable taxes, shipping, extra)

To Order Toll Free, call 1 800 580
7160 or Local 416 783 4140 

PS Order now, this offer expires
November 30th or whenever our allocation is filled, whichever comes first.



Khan Scope Centre

3243 Dufferin Street

Toronto, Ontario. Canada

M6A 2T2


Phone: 416 783 4140

Toll Free: 1 800 580 7160


fax: 416 352 1701




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