Subject: Save 25%! This bundle is your best bet to successful imaging

Hello Friend,

If you've got a hankering to try some CCD imaging and wanted to get started with the right gear
then here's a deal that you won't want to pass up:

Right now you can get the Celestron Monochrome Neximage CCD imager +  Skyris Color Filter Wheel + LRGB Color
filter set for a whopping 25% off in this particular bundle we've put together.

Yup! This is a mother of a deal, Friend.

You can grab it right now ,it's in stock. 

Don't muck about doing things the hard way, when you can get the whole kit and kaboodle for muchos savings.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Speaking of mother's don't forget yours on Mother's day.  Remember you wouldn't be reading this right now if it
wasn't for her. 

PPS Here is the link again: