Subject: Rosetta: It's happening now!

Hello Friend,

I wrote about this a few months ago.

Well, today November 12th is the day, it's all happening this morning, live at 9am EST.

Don't miss it!

Here is my original email to you:

    The European Space agency is on a mission right now, that has been in the making for the past 10 years.

And it's the Rosetta mission.

Rendezvousing with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko today.

And it gets better.

After rendezvous on 6 August 2014 , Rosetta will accompany the comet around the Sun and as it moves back out towards the orbit of Jupiter.

The lander, Philae, will be delivered to the comet’s surface in November 2014 to collect samples.

Think about this:

Since its launch  March 2004, Rosetta has travelled more than six billion kilometres, passing by Earth three times  

Holy space traveller Batman!

Keep your eyes on the newscast for more information.

Why all the interest in Comet's such as this one?

Comet's are considered to be very early remnants of the Solar System.

Building blocks if you will.

And they may have even seeded life here on earth.

Perhaps with this mission, more secrets of Comet's will be unlocked in due time.

We can only hope.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS I have a personally affinity for Comets. Khan Scope was launched in 1986 with the return of Halley's
      Comet, and the night I observed another Comet from Toronto, several years ago, my mother passed away, the same night.