Subject: Rock Mallin's "secret weapon" to observe in light polluted skies

Hello Friend,

    It's still somewhat of a secret you know.

Many folks, still have not caught on to the fact that you can actually see deep sky objects from your light
polluted backyard in the city with a device by Canadian inventor Rock Mallin.

     Now Rock's an really unusual fellow, with a passion for the nightsky and astronomy.   If you met him in person,
you might think, he just got off a Harley Davidson, and was gonna beat the crap out of you.

He is a tall and big guy.  And a warm and fuzzy teddy bear.   (hope Rock's not reading this).

   See Rock invented something called the "Mallincam" a few years ago.

The first time I saw one of these in action, I could not believe my own eyes.   I could actually see the Spiral
Arms in M51 from my backyard in Toronto.  Using only an 8 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain.

Holy moly!

     Then my luddite buddy Glen Norman, who lives up in the dark skies of Mount Forest, with his lovely wife
Michelle, and a whole bunch of cats, got his paws on a Mallincam and tested it out and he was blown away as well.

Now Glen is really an old school kind of guy, and a terrific writer as well. He and Michelle actually wrote scripts for tv series
such as Danger Bay & Mysterious Island. And actress/writer Michelle actually played the teacher in the original Degrassi high Tv show.

And he ain't fond of any newfangled technology. That's why I call him a luddite.

So imagine my surprise to read his review of the remarkable Mallincam in a Skynews magazine article, right here, if you want
to check it out:

   Needless to say, we have been carrying and recommending the Mallincam system to anyone who will listen. but some folks
still aren't clear on what it really does, and how it really works.

    If you read Glen's article above, you'll get the full picture.

  And, if you happen to be a luddite, well there's hope for ya yet, my friend!

Clear Skies,

Ray  "Mallincam convert" Khan

PS While the Winter weather continues to play havoc, at least the joy of Spring is that much closer.
You can take that "Artic Vortex" and shove it....well, you know where.