Subject: Remember, remember the 5th of November.....

Hello Friend,

Yes, indeed.  A date to remember.

November 5th.

Also known as Guy Fawkes day, over in merry old England.

Unfortunately for the late Guy Fawkes, he is not fondly remembered.


Well, basically because he wanted to blow up the houses of parliament, back in the year 1605,
bloody fool that he was.

Fortunately, his nefarious plans were foiled, and he ended up on the scaffold instead.

When it was time, to pay the hangman his dues, Guy Fawkes, leaped from the scaffold,
and broke his neck. 

And thus avoided the ghastly mutilations that would follow thereafter.

They sure didn't mess around in those days;

Now you get 3 squares a day and a warm place to stay
when you commit such heinous atrocities.

When I was a kid growing up in England, we would actually burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes
on November 5th.  Usually some straw stuffed into some clothes, and a pointy hat on top.

Not sure if they still do that  these days.

But have no fear.

Today we are celebrating something completely different.

The Celestron Nexstar SE telescope promotion.

 Before you get hung up on the details  (Sorry Guy Fawkes),  let me just say that
you can save up to two hundred bucks, on the purchase of either the 4", 5", 6" or 8"
models of the Nexstar Series.

This is a deal you want to get a noose, and snag before it's all over.

And that will be December 31st, my friend.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is the link to the sale again: