Subject: Re: Brief Review of the AstroCat's 1st Annual Astronomy Show

Hello Friend,

Last weekend marked the 1st (hopefully to be annual) AstroCats astronomy show , in  Oakville, Ontario. Canada.

South of the border, there are certainly several shows during the course of the year, most of which you have
likely read about in the Astronomy magazines at one point of another.

So it was quite fitting that here in Canada that we finally had our own event, and thanks to the hardworking organizers
of this event (namely the Hamilton RASC Centre) we finally had one of our own.

Khan Scope Centre was in attendance along with about 20 other  astronomy related vendors and astronomy clubs.

We set up a display and had all kinds of cool new telescope products and accessories up for grabs.

There were also several presentations given ranging on how to use a telescope, to taking Astro-images
and processing them.

It was really great to see a number of you come out to support this event from across Ontario.

Heck, we even had customer that drove  over a day, to come visit the show and buy a telescope
from the far North!

Editor of SkyNews magazine, Terence Dickinson was also in attendance and of course his presentation
was a "standing room only" event.  

All in all, I would have to say this was a most successful event, and I can only see it growing and getting
bigger and better.

It's a tremendous amount of work and expense involved to organize this type of event, and so kudos go to all the volunteers who
worked at this event, and helped it run as smoothly as it did.

We can certainly look forward to next year, and if you were unable to attend this year, I do hope that you will
consider supporting and attending this event next year.

Have  a  Super Weekend!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan