Subject: Porcupine predicts the Superbowl winner........

Hello Friend,

   Has the world gone batty?  Or it is just me.

Yes, today is Superbowl Sunday.. The last bastion for an excuse to drink beer, eat chicken wings, and pizza
and yell and scream, and basically act like idiots with their buddies.

And see some darn good football happening in the process.

    Seattle Seahawks, and the Denver Broncos are squaring off.  It's gonna be a good one.

But here is the real problem. It was bad enough that we had a groundhog predicting whether or not
we get an early Spring or not, but now got a friggin' porcupine, predicting Superbowl winners!

Now, this here Porcupine, called Teddy bear, who has correctly predicted the past two winners of the Superbowl
and he is claiming that it's gonna be the Seattle Seahawks today, who take the prize.

    What is the world coming too? Groundhogs.  Porcupines.

What's next?  Aardvarks?

Rant over.

Now here is what I am predicting, and this ain't based on hokey pokey; 

Most telescope manufacturers
will be sending us their new 2014 pricelists any day now, and prices are going to go up on many instruments
and accessories across the board.

So, if you are thinking of making a move, now is the time.  Because, if you don't prices are gonna go up,
and you are going to be paying more for the same thing.

Simple? You bet.....and here is where to take a gander;

Happy Sunday, Friend,

Ray "Superbowl Sunday rocks" Khan

PS I'll be digging into beef ribs, slathered with sauce, later on.  Cold beer? You bet.
Life is good.