Subject: Pluto is still a planet; Here's why

Hello Friend,

            In the name of Clyde Tombaugh, I am here to report to you that Pluto is still indeed a planet.

But wait you say:

The astronomical union (a fine bunch of folks I'm sure), saw fit in 2006 to remove the planetary status
ascribed to Pluto decades ago, did it not, Ray?

And I say to that:

A cockwomble of the greatest magnitude.

The discovery of the planet by Clyde Tombaugh, is in itself a fascinating story.

Read it when you get an opportunity.

Now, here is why Pluto really is still a planet.

You see, a new category of "dwarf planets" was created, and Pluto
is in that group.

So, it's still a planet!


Clear Skies,

Ray "Pluto 4ever" Khan

PS To observe Pluto, you need a telescope; the bigger the better, and we got a whack of them on sale right now
      just go here: