Subject: Peanut Butter and Rock and Roll Music

Hello Friend,

    Imagine you were an Alien who came to this earth, and from what you observed, you thought
that the human species was, shall we say, an interesting study?

    And that, as an alien, you inhabit the body of a Cambridge math professor.

Then, you discover that you love peanut butter, and rock and roll music.

Yes, I realize it all sounds pretty crazy!

And that is exactly what you will find, in a book I am going to recommend you read simply called
"The Humans" by Matt Haig.

It's a very clever novel, and it's fiction, but worth considering for your Summer reading list.

I am just starting to read it, and I gotta tell you, it's both funny, sad, and enlightening all at the same time.

    And for more enlightenment while here on the planet earth, you need look no further than this page right here:

All our Specials today are listed right there on that page.

Clear Skies,

Ray "Alien-ated" Khan

PS Kudos to the many smart folks who caught my blatant error in yesterday's email.  You know your MONKEES stuff!
     Michael Nesmith's Mom, actually invented "White out", not Post it notes as I had stated.