Subject: One way to deal with bullies

Hello Friend,

         Bullying seems to be omnipresent in the media these days.

It's a serious problem among kids especially, and can lead to some terrible consequences.

I know from personal experience what it's like, because when I was growing up in London, England
there was this kid at my junior school, Douglas U. who decided he was going to pick on me.

One day, he told all the other kids, that he was going to stop me in the schoolyard after school was over,
and beat me up.

Believe you me, once the word got to me, I was praying that school would never end.

Of course it did, at around 3:30pm, and I figured I would take a different route home and avoid
getting beaten up by this guy.

Unfortunately for me, he tracked me down to the front of the schoolyard (I usually took the back exit
out of the school).

And, with a whole bunch of kids standing around, he stood in front of me.

I immediately froze, and then my instincts kicked in.

Before he could start on me, within 6 seconds, I  punched him in the mouth, and actually knocked out a tooth.

He was shocked! "you broke my tooth" he said, as he started to cry.  And he was bleeding as well.

 I left, and the other kids followed me home, and we stopped at the chip shop for a bag of french fries (6 cents back then)
and they were in awe.

Needless to say, Douglas never bothered me again after that.

I'm not saying that punching someone is the answer, that's not the point.

What I am saying, is that most bullies are usually cowards, and if you call them on their BS, they will usually find
someone else to pick on, and leave you alone.

Onward and upward...

Clear skies,

Ray Khan

PS Bullying takes many different forms; If someone is a bully as a youngster, they may grow up to become
     a bully as an adult as well.