Subject: Older and reliable? The good ol' days!

Hello Friend,

It's true that in most industries, everything is hell bent on being "NEW, latest technology, blah, blah, blah".

For example, the Apple Iphone.

Now I personally own an iphone, and it's a handy tool,

However, when Apple announces a new model of  Iphone, a lot of people will run out and buy
the latest model.

Line up for hours, (sometimes days) to be first in line to get the newest release.

Well, not me.

My present model of Iphone is working reasonably well.  I can take phone calls, send texts
and check emails if need be.

So, I'm not rushing out to buy the latest model, just because it came out.

If you want to, I say "hey great", more power to you!

It's the same in the telescope industry too.

There are some computerized  models of telescopes that have been made for several years
with no real changes, other than software, and perhaps firmware.

The Celestron CPC series of telescope is such an instrument.

It's been a workhorse from pretty well the day that Celestron released it.

It will do pretty well everything you want a telescope to do.

It's proven and reliable.

And one of the reasons that I personally like it.

I do hope that they have left Pluto as a planet in the database, but knowing
the adept engineers at Celestron, they may have already removed it.

Now here's another good reason for you to like the CPC series.

Right now the thing you do need to know is you can save up to $360 on these select models:

Yes, sometimes older is better.

And this is one instance where that's the case.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Consider also trading in your present telescope model as well, towards one of these
      instruments, and especially while they are on sale. (Sale ends Dec. 31st 2014)