Subject: Observing Saturn? Here are three important things you should know

Hello Friend,

        The Planet Saturn was the very night sky object that got me hooked into astronomy.

Finding Saturn, with a small 60mm refractor and a wobbly tripod.

The very fact that you can see it's rings, and it has such a 3 dimensional appearance to it, even
through a small telescope, makes it one of the most fascinating planets for amateur astronomers.

But here is the big problem for you as an observer.

You only have a very short window of opportunity to observe Saturn right now.

A window of perhaps 4 weeks, and that's it.

So I encourage you to take advantage of any clear night, to get out and see it, while you can.


Now here are  three tips I want to share with you:

1) If you own an iphone or other apple device, then consider getting this free app:
     Gas Giants.  It's chockful of information on Saturn.

2) Use approx 70x to 180x to observe the Planet, again this will depend on the aperture   
    and type of scope you are using. Remember the 50x per inch of aperture rule as a guideline.

3) Use light coloured filters to increase contrast (these are the type that will thread into the bottom
    of your 1.25" or 2" eyepiece.)

Take advantage right now of this short window of opportunity.

Guaranteed to be clear for a few nights, because we are just coming up to Full Moon.  . ;-)

An excellent eyepiece that I have used to observe Saturn, is this one here, and I have mentioned

Baader Planetarium 8-24mm Hyperion Clickstop Zoom Mark III Eyepiece - 1.25"/2

The Baader Planetarium 8-24mm zoom eyepiece.  It is like having 4 eyepieces in one.

And you don't have to be switching eyepieces and fiddling with your telescope's focusser
which can be a royal know where.

Optically, it is really well made and constructed.  Baader uses their own proprietary
Phantom group coatings.

You will see the difference when you look through it.

And I can't say that for most zoom's I've seen.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Call us toll free  to order, 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783 4140 and right now shipping is Free
      on the Baader Zoom eyepiece.