Subject: Observe asteroid 2004 BL tonite!

Hello Friend,

There is a cool large asteroid that will be visible this evening, and what's unique about is is
that it's visible through amateur sized telescopes.

Here is more information about it, courtesy of Toronto amateur astronomer  Chris Vaughan

Chris writes:

You may have been hearing about a large asteroid that will be flying past the Earth overnight on Monday evening. This is not an uncommon occurrence, but this one is in the news because it is larger than most and therefore can be seen in telescopes by amateur astronomers. The asteroid, designated 2004 BL86 after the year it was discovered, is approximately 500 metres across and, at it closest, will be about three times farther away than our Moon.
For observers in the GTA, the asteroid will already be in motion at sunset on Monday. At 7 pm it will be positioned in the eastern sky at a point about midway between Jupiter and the bright white star Procyon (which sits higher and to the right of the planet). Over the course of the night, the asteroid will speed north (to the upper left) through the dim constellation of Cancer at a rate of 2.5° or five Full Moon diameters per hour! On the Tumblr version of these Skylights, I’ll post a star chart showing the path for the GTA. The best bet is to aim your pe at a star along its path ahead of time using your lowest power eyepiece, and watch for it moving slowly through your field of view. Around 12:30 am Tuesday, it will pass just to the left of the large open star cluster called Praesepe (also known as The Beehive and Messier 44).

Note that right and left may be reversed in your telescope.

     Hopefully, you'll have an opportunity to spot it, Friend.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Have I told you about astroimager Damian Peach's new DVD?  Check it out here.   If you are doing any kind
   of astroimaging, it's a must have. You'll save hours of time, and aggravation with this
   information. Don't reinvent the wheel.