Subject: Neil Degrasse Tyson gets a nasty tweet!

Hello Friend,

I'm sure you likely  know who Neil Degrasse Tyson is (or at least I hope you do).

Nicholas Taleb?

Maybe not so much.

So let me tell you.

He is the author of a bestselling  book called 'The Black Swan',
written several years ago.

He is also a. statistician and risk analysis expert.

Over the weekend,he tweeted this about Neil Degrasse Tyson:

"People who do science/technical work should talk about science, not entertainers like Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Degrasse-Tyson's tweeted  response to Taleb:

"Perhaps one day we will meet (over a glass of Lebanese wine?) and you can detail for me why I make you so grumpy".

Now Nassem Taleb, may very good in his own field, but he obviously does not know what he is talking about here.

Degrasse-Tyson is in fact an astrophysicist and does in deed know what the hell he is talking about!

   Oh yeah, and even our Italian window washer for the past 20 years here at Khanscope knows how to spell
capisce, and it's not Kapish!   (note:Capisce means "You understand? in Italian).

Now here is something else to Capisce:

In less than 6 days, our special offer  for getting a whole bundle of telescope accessories worth well
over a $1000 is going to expire, when you buy either a Meade  LX90 ACF or LX200 telescope.

Yep, then it's all over.

  Here is your last kick at the can:

Now you Capisce?

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Neil Degrasse-Tyson will be making a couple of apperances here in Toronto, in February.
    Aren't we lucky?