Subject: My Secret addiction that I've never shared

Hello Friend,

I have a secret that I've never previously disclosed.

My addiction. It's a dark secret, and I don't really like to talk about it.

Don't worry, I'm not addicted to porn or anything like that.  Sheesh!

Such dirty minds here. 

So what's the addiction?


Telescope Eyepieces. Yup. I own over 163 of them.

It's crazy!

Fact is I have used them one time or another but I am not using more than 3-5
eyepieces at any given time.

So the dilemma is what to do.  Continue to Feed my Addiction or curate a collection
of oldies but goodies and put them on display at Khan Scope.

The other option is to start selling off the ones I am not using.

For example, I have one of the classic RKE (affectionally called the Ray Khan Eyepiece)  Edmund eyepieces with red rubber gripped barrel.
It's a very sharp eyepiece and has good contrast, and I love using it for any long focal length refractor.

Plus: A Meade Super Wide 24.5mm (Made in Japan) it's the cat's meow when it comes to deep space on
an SCT, Dobson, Newtonian. Gorgeous coatings. And solidly built.

I could go on and on with stories about each eyepiece and the fun I had with it.

The worst of all is the Bausch & Lomb 50mm Hastings eyepiece.

Like looking down a narrow pipe.
Help me out here! Give me your thoughts and suggestions, please.

Now just in case you are in the market for a reasonably priced high-performance eyepiece then I can recommend to
you the Explore Scientific Series.

Why Explore? Simple.  They offer excellent optics, solid construction and high-quality coatings.
They are also waterproof though I don't really get that.

I am not putting them in a flipping fish tank.

And neither are you I hope.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan