Subject: More lunacy from the Madmen

Hello Friend,

      Seems there are a number of these Lunar "real estate" firms in operation.

Another one, called the Luna Society  (should change name to Lunatic Society)  purports to claim
that their goal is to have the moon inhabited by humans by 2015.

    Well, a little bit late on that one Charlie!

No surprise that they are operating out of a suite on Fifth Avenue New York, according to their website.

    Isn't that close where the Madmen in the tv series operated their advertising agency?

The so called Madmen actually operated on Madison Avenue, in NY, but close enough.

And that is where a lot of these crazy advertisements get developed.

For example, someone woke up one day and said to themselves:  "Let's market brine shrimp as
Sea Monkeys".

And a whole new industry was born!

Personally, I prefer to stick with what's real.

And what's real is this deal we have right now which gives you a ton of free accessories
from our friends at  Meade Instruments.

Now the ad people at Meade, must be really mad to be offering a deal this good.

There is no catch to it either!

You buy either an 8 inch, 10" or 12" LX90 ACF or LX200 model and you get over $1100 worth
of FREE Accessories.

Here is the list:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Meade officially ended this offer on 12/31.  We begged them to extend it for those folks who did
not get exactly what they wanted during the holidays.  And so they did!
