Subject: Mission to Mars; Thanks Neil Armstrong!

Hello Friend.

    Well let me first say that I have been  quiet lately, because I have been down on the east coast
in beautiful Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

      Now I am not exploring my celtic roots or anything like that,, (cos I don't have any) but I learn't
that it's best not to put a Campbell and a MacDonald in the same room for any length of time.

Many stories are told down here in the form of songs;  and many with a fiddle and piano.

The story of Neil Armstrong being the first man on the moon is truly a fantastic one.

      And with all the current interest in Mars, and the movie The Martian, there is no doubt that
we are one step closer to actually going to Mars.

That might also depend on who you vote for in the upcoming election here in Canada.

(Some of you might be thinking a one way ticket for Harper, Mulcair, Trudeau or even
Elizabeth May, to Mars just might be the solution).

      Anyway, here is an excellent article written by my daughter Chantal DaSilva you
might want to check out on who might be your best choice to advance the space race.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan