Subject: Meade 3, 2, 1 LX90 Promotion in full Swing. Savings start right now.
It’s the Meade 3, 2, 1. LX90 Sale.
For many years the LX90 series of telescopes have been a proven reliable telescope that provides excellent value for the money, and expand ability.
You know the old saying: “When something’s not broken, why fix it?”
Well that philosophy applies to all 3 telescopes in the LX90 series.
Your choice of 8”, 10” or 12”.
PLUS: Big Savings on these tried and true instruments are yours right now.
Direct link:
For many years the LX90 series of telescopes have been a proven reliable telescope that provides excellent value for the money, and expand ability.
You know the old saying: “When something’s not broken, why fix it?”
Well that philosophy applies to all 3 telescopes in the LX90 series.
Your choice of 8”, 10” or 12”.
PLUS: Big Savings on these tried and true instruments are yours right now.
Direct link: