Subject: Margaret Thatchers Astronomical legacy

Hello Friend,

Margaret Thatcher, the Prime Minister of England a few decades ago
was not one of the most beloved politicians in England.

Mostly, because she brought in what was known as the dreaded
"Poll tax" on the populace.

People rioted in large numbers in the streets, and let's just say
that many of them cried "bollocks" on what was considered a draconian
tax grab.

One thing that is not so well known about Thatcher is how she
indirectly caused the shut down of one of the premier optical & mechanical
manufacturing companies in the UK, the renowned Grubb Parsons.

Oh yeah, they just happened to be the same folks that manufactured
the 74 inch telescope, at the David Dunlap Observatory, In Richmond
Hill, Ontario....

Thatcher who herself was actually once a research chemist,
saw little value in pure academic research......hmm, that's interesting,
I guess there was greater value to be found in being a politician then?

Anyway, it's a fascinating story, and if you want to read more about
it here is a link to a story by the BBC.

Enjoy your Sunday,

Ray Khan