Subject: Maksonian Cassigrain Special Offer, just for you

Hello Friend,

Sorry: That's actually Maksutov-Cassegrain.

Holy Smokes, some people.

Sensitive aren't we?

Look, I wasn't trying to shame anyone with the mis-spelling of a telescope design.


I make spelling mistakes and grammatical errors all the time, as you've no doubt noticed and I get raked
over the coals for it on occasion.

One "kind" individual (likely an English major)  even marked up one of my emails with every single grammatical
error in it and returned it to me with a grade "F" as a mark, followed by a huge exclamation mark! (!)


Anyhow as a fitting  punishment simply decided to put two of our most popular Skywatcher Maksutov-Cassegrains
on Sale and sacrifice the extra profits to teach me a much needed lesson.

Hopefully that will make you happy  (all but the English major).

Here are the links:

127 Maksutov-Cassegrain

150 Maksutov-Cassegrain

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS You get a discount, plus FREE SHIPPING on both Optical tubes, till July 30th only.