Subject: M51 with spiral arms, observed from Downtown Ottawa

Hello Friend,

     Some might say that you can't believe much coming out of Ottawa these days.

But they would be talking about Parliament hill.

And I'm just not going to touch that one with any size pole.

        Imagine my surprise one day when I got an email from my buddy Rock Mallin  a few
years back, proclaiming he could observe M51 , spiral arms and all,
from the downtown skies of Ottawa.

Here's the image he sent me


Nonsense, I thought.   Heck. you would have to have a really big telescope to do that!

Maybe Rock had bought the 74" inch Dunlap telescope, that the University of Toronto
was proposing to sell I thought?

Well, turns out that is not the case at all.

Rock was able to do this, and sent me a photographic image to prove his point.

  (He was using a video imaging
device he had invented and  manufactured, called the Mallincam.)

Quite impressive I thought.

I could even see the spiral arms in M51!

But the whole point was, that you can actually observe deep sky objects from a light polluted area.

And, as a result a whole new vista of stargazing opened up for amateur astronomers everywhere.

The Mallincam revolutioned observing.

How it works:

Being more of a visual device (you can hook it up to a monitor), the Mallincam device is simply
Inserted into your telescope in place of your regular 1.25" or 2" eyepiece.

It does not require an external computer of any sort to work either.

Recently, Rock released a low cost version of the Mallincam, to put video astronomy into the hands
of as many people as possible.

He wants as many people in the hobby of astronomy to experience the remarkable experience
of Video astronomy.

And it's called:  The Mallincam Micro Deluxe package

For a $189 you can start observing from your backyard immediately.

To order, give us a call 1 800 580 7160 or 416 783 4140

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Since Rock first sent me that image in 2004, the Mallincam has improved dramatically over time,
so you can only  imagine what it can do today.

PPS For the full line of Mallincam products and accessories, here is the link: