Subject: Lunar Embassy refuses to pay 30 million dollar bill from Sun owner

Hello Friend,

Newsletter reader Mark Mathosian, (proud owner of some lunar property near Mare Imbrium)
once interviewed the Principal, Dennis Hope of the Lunar Embassy, for a meteorite magazine.

Here is a condensed version of the article below, which is a hoot!

Mark says:

Here’s a funny side of the story from my article: I asked Hope if he had ever been sued or challenged in court. (for
selling lunar properties).

He said no.

However, a person claiming ownership of the sun threatened him with a lawsuit.

  The sun owner said Hope’s planets and the Moon were receiving energy and light from the Sun without paying.

 The alleged sun owner demanded that Lunar Embassy pay $30 million for energy radiating the Moon and planets.

Caught a little off guard by this demand,

Hope needed a day or two to respond. 

When he did, he told the sun owner he would not pay for this service.

 Instead, Hope suggested the sun owner turn off the light and heat.

The lawsuit never materialized.

Just goes to show you how there is no end to the madness in this world.

       You just can't make this stuff up!

   But you would be mad to miss this deal:

$80 off the famous ETX 90 Portable Observatory.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan