Subject: Local Amateur astronomer shows you how to save moolah

Hello Friend,

With the dreary and cold winter weather lately, the best thing to do is to grab a good astronomy
book and curl up by the fireplace (if you have one).

   That is what I have been doing lately.  Fortunately we do have a wood burning fireplace
in the north on Manitoulin Island (and a gas burning one in the city).

   Nothing quite like the genuine warmth from wood though.

So here is what I have been reading as of late:

One book I have been dipping into is  written  local Toronto amateur astronomer  Jim Chung
titled Astro-Imaging Projects for Amateur Astronomers: A Maker's Guide.

   Now if you like tinkering with all things astronomical, Jim is your man. This guy is
obsessed with making things.....and on a budget too.

The book is brilliant, and covers a wide berth of subject matter pertaining to astronomy.

Detailed information too, so don't feel you need to be a rocket scientist.

  Jim shows you how to have fun and save $$$$ while constructing some of your own equipment and accessories.

(Wait! That's bad for business Jim.....)

Jim is a very active amateur astronomer, and RASC member and his book is a real asset to the amateur community.

One of the project's that Jim talks about is accessorizing your Coronado Personal Solar Telescope
which we just happen to have on sale this month.

   You can save a whopping  $134 bucks this month!

Enough to make the Sun smile.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan