Subject: Khan Scope Centre Astronotes.....New! Meade announces 8 inch LIghtswtich Telescope..
Khan Scope Centre AstroNotes December 11 2009
It's not to late to obtain delivery of products prior to the
Holidays....Please order early, to ensure sufficient delivery time and to
minimize freight charges which
can be costly if utilizing expedited or express services......
Well, it was just a matter of time before it happened,
Meade has just announced the 8" Version of the Popular 6" Lightswitch
We are expecting first shipments in February 2010. Khan Scopes got the 1st
order in to Meade Instruments for the 8" LS, so if you
a bigger aperture self aligning telescope, here it is!
Just announced......
Meade LS 8"- Patented Lightswitch technology
for Stress Free Alignment!
First Shipments are expected in any day now for the
21mm Ethos! If you have one on order, you will definitely be getting it prior to
If you haven't ordered one yet, then do so now, we only have a couple left
available. Hopefully you are on Santa's good list and won't be getting
a lump of coal instead.......................

LX90-ACF Telescope - UHTC
- A Bestseller! The Meade 10" LX90-ACF Telescope includes
oversized 10" Schmidt-Cassegrain optics and UHTC coatings for classic
performance and clear, bright images.
- ᅠincludes a rigid cast aluminum double-tine fork mount and a
heavy-duty, adjustable LX200 Series tripod.
- ᅠcomes fully equipped with a Sony GPS receiver, an oversized
primary mirror with diffraction limited optics, Autostar controller with a
30,000+ object library, Smart Drive, Periodic Error Correction (PEC),
Autostar Suite Software
NexStar Special Edition

6 SE!...
The newest member of the family, the NexStar 6 is a more portable version of
larger NexStar telescopes, with 1.43x the mirror area of the 5-inch telescope.
8 SE,
. The best compromise for great aperture and manageable size is right here!
Save $100 on the Meade
with Level North Technology!
Vixen Porta IIᅠ Mount-$20 Rebate from Vixen!
In Stock!
The lightweight alt-az "Porta" mount can be the heart of an
exceptionally portable telescope/mount system. The Vixen Portamount II features
a newly designed friction system for quickly pointing toward the target and
tracking it with the 360 degree slow-motion controls. No fumbling with clutches
sectional slow-motion controls! Leave the heavy counterweights with the
equatorials: simply balance scopes up to 155mm diameter on the altitude axis and
start viewing!
For price and performance, it's tough to beat the CGEM mount.....
Now only $1499!
CGEM Computerized EQ Mount
wins the Sky & Tel Hot Product award .
40 lb + Payload
To Order Toll Free Call 1 800 580 7160
or local 416 783 4140
Free Bonus Accessory Kit!
with the
purchase of the
Celestron Nexstar 130SLT!
To order toll Free Call 1 800 580 7160
or local 416 783 4140
Free Bonus Accessory Kit!
with the
purchase of the
Celestron Nexstar 102 SLT!
To order toll Free Call 1 800 580 7160
or local 416 783 4140
$70 Now on this
Celestron Omni 6" Reflector!
To order toll Free Call 1 800 580 7160
or Local 416 783 4140
SAVE $300 Off the Purchase of your choice of either the
8", 9.25"
or 11"
Celestron CGEMᅠ telescope right now!
A Completeᅠ 6"
f5ᅠ Refractor for under a $1000?
Omni XLT 150 R , 6" f5-In
* High quality optics start with each lens and(or) mirror being hand selected so
only the finest grade of optical glass is used
* StarBright XLT coatings provide maximized light transmission
* CG-4 German Equatorial mount with setting circles and slow motion controls -
to accurately locate and track sky objects
* Ball bearings in both axis of the mount for smooth performance
* Heavy-duty pre-assembled stainless steel tripod featuring 1.75" legs,
accessory tray and bubble level
* Easy no-tool setup
* "The Sky" Level 1 planetarium software with 10,000 object database
and enhanced images
in Microscope Technology!
Only $299!
This innovative product combines advanced professional
grade microscope features and an easy to use point and shoot camera.
The Celestron
LCD Digital Microscope is an ideal tool for up close examination of
everything from stamps, coins and other common objects
ᅠto specimen slides of yeasts, molds, cultures, fibers, bacteria and
Congratulations to Lunt Solar Systems! Rated by Popular Science Magazine as
one of the 100 Best Innovations in "The Best of What's New 2009"
Lunt LS60T/PT Visual Package is a fully integrated, 100%
safe, dedicated Solar Telescope
dedicated Pressure Tuner!

TeleVue Ethos Eyepieces are by Far the Best!
Incorporating the very Latest in eyepiece technology!
- 6mm
Ethos-In stock! - New
10mm Ethos -In stock! - 17mm
Ethos-In Stock! - 8mm
Ethos Eyepiece-In stock! - 13mm
Ethos Eyepiece -In stock!
Meade ETX LS6 SC Lightswitch Telescope
with Handsfree Automatic Alignment & Built in Imager!
Now in Stock!