Subject: Khan Scope Centre Astronotes June 4th- New promotions and Product Updates
Khan Scope Centre AstroNotes June 4 2010
Here are the Highlights:
*TeleVue Eyepiece Sale: Buy Two Radians, Get one Free!
*Televue Telescope Promo: Buy any TeleVue telescope with Two Radian eyepieces,
and get TWO MORE Radians of your choice for FREE!
*Mallincam CCD Video Imager review in June Astronomy Magazine!
Find out why both imagers and observers both love the Mallincam!!
*Nexstar 6 and Nexstar 8 SE $100 Giftcard Rebates from Celestron
You can even apply for the Giftcard Rebate on line!
*Updates on Meade 8 inch LS8 ACF: Stock is arriving within a few weeks,
demand continues to be high for this product, please order early to avoid
*Orders are being filled for Celestron HD products, and again due to supply
and demand
if you want one of these instruments, get on board now....
Congratulations are in order to the David Dunlap Observatory which
celebrated it's 75th Anniversary
recently. The Observatory is currently being run by the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada (Toronto Centre).
If you have not had the chance to pay a visit, then consider doing so
over the Summer on a weekend.
*Update on Lunt LS152 telescopes; Lunt is still cranking these off the
production line at a slower pace than
we would like. However, if you have one on order, be patient is well worth the wait! We are working on
*Khan Scope Centre is proud to be a sponsor of the Royal Astronomical Society
of Canada's annual General Assembly being held in Fredericton, New
Brunswick over the Canada day weekend this year, and hosted by the
Fredericton RASC Centre.
Nothing like the friendly folks down East to bring on some Lobster, and maybe
some clear skies to boot!
Now is the time to build your TeleVue eyepiece
Buy any two TeleVue Radians, and get the 3rd Radian FREE!
That's right! You choose.........
*3mm, 4mm,
5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 18mm focal
lengths, with 60 degree app. field!
*20mm eye relief! Yep, that's right....wear eyeglasses? You are gonna
love these
*Adjustable eyeguard. Compact Size; binoviewer friendly!
This offer may be pulled at any time, please order today.
To Order call Toll Free 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783
NexStar Special Edition Series, now
available at New Lower Prices!
6 SE!... Get a $100
Gift Card with Purchase! June 1st to June 30th only..
8 SE! Get a $100 Gift Card
with Purchase! June 1st to June 30th only
The best compromise for great aperture and manageable size is right here!
Buy any Celestron NexStar SE computerized go-to telescope this June, and you
can get a $100 MasterCard Gift Card back by mail from Celestron! You can spend
your $100 Gift Card anywhere and on anything you like. Its your choice!
This $100 Gift Card offer makes these best-buy Celestron NexStar SE scopes even
better buys.
Each NexStar SE is fully-equipped and
ready-to-use right out of the box. Each has state-of-the-art Starbright XLT
multicoatings and a go-to computer with a database of over 40,000 celestial
objects it can take you to explore. Each has SkyAlign technology that makes
lining up your scope on the sky simply a matter of pointing it at three bright
stars (without even knowing which stars they are) or at two stars and the Moon
or a planet. SkyAlign takes only a few minutes and finding your way around the
sky as easy as 1, 2, 3. Each comes with a tripod, star diagonal, Plossl
eyepiece, red dot finder, and more everything you need to observe.ᅠ
. These NexStar SE scopes are already
super buys at their low regular prices. With this $100 Gift Card rebate, they
simply can't be beat.
To Order call Toll Free 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783
Nexstar 6: $949
Nexstar 8: $1449
Ideal for the Casual or Beginning Observer!
Portability and high performance in a Compact
ideal for easy transport to the cottage for great family fun.
Can also be used for observing daytime nature and wildlife.
Another Bonus, connect your digital Camera with an optional adaptor and
use it as a Powerful Telephoto lens!
Package includes Autostar, and Tripod.
Only $765! for the package
To Order call Toll Free 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783

Celestron 8 x 56 Ultima Binoculars
"Astronomers Delight!"
In stock and on Sale! $223
SkyNews Magazines
Editors Choice!
To Order call Toll Free 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783
for 2010!
Mallincam VSS Colour
Order Now!
with Variable Shutter Speed!
The easiest way to Astro-image.....Read the Review in June Astronomy
Thinking of a Televue Telescope?
Buy any Televue Telescope and 2 Radian
and we will give you Two more Radian
of your choice FREE of
TeleVue Refractor APO Telescopes
New Meade
The Next Generation of Telescopes is here..
The NEW 8" LS LightSwitch
ACF Telescope from Meade
- Self aligning! Turn it on...Boom! watch the
Magic.. - Built in CCD Camera (does not require
external PC!) - Just in time for Spring and Summer Observing.
To order Toll Free Call 1
800 580 7160
Introducing the EdgeHD Telescope Series, Celestron's New flagship telescope
Celestron has taken another bold step as the market leader in telescopes with
the introduction of their latest series of high-end telescopes.ᅠ
Edge Telescopes are shipping now, however production is limited. Order yours now
to ensure you get yours for the Spring/Summer Observing Season. These are truly
an innovation! After years of research and development, Celestron has now taken
a giant step forward!
(11080) CGEM 800 HD, NEW!!
(11081) CGEM 925 HD, NEW!!
(11082) CGEM 1100 HD, NEW!!
Khan Scope Centre
3243 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario Canada
M6A 2T2
Toll Free: 1 800 580 7160
local: 416 783 4140
fax: 416 352 1701