Now is the time to Buy Celestron Eyepieces
and Save $$$
 NEW! Black Diamond 5.1 Equatorial Reflector Great entry Level Telescope package at a reasonable
Free Bonus! 2x Barlow Lens (doubles the magnification
of the two included eyepieces for close up views of Planets!) $69 Value!
To Order Toll Free Call 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783 4140

New! Meade ETX LS6 SC Lightswitch Telescope
with Handsfree Automatic Alignment & Built in Imager! Now in Stock!  
New for 2010!
Mallincam VSS Colour Plus
In Stock.. 
Now with Variable Shutter Speed!
The easiest way to Astro-image.....
ASX Symposium
Friday, January 29, 2010, 6:30 PM
(Doors open at 5:30 PM,
Reception at 10:00 PM)
Convocation Hall, University of Toronto
31 King's College Circle,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Parking Available)
We are honoured to be featuring these world-renowned speakers:
? Prof. Peter Schultz (Brown), co-investigator of NASA's LCROSS, discussing his analysis of this mission and finding water on the Moon
? Prof. Sara Seager (MIT), discussing the latest detections and theory of exoplanet properties
? Dr. Firouz Naderi (NASA JPL), discussing perspectives on future robotic exploration
? Dr. Narendra Bhandari (ISRO), discussing Chandrayaan-1 results and India's vision for space
Students*: FREE (with ID and pre-registration)
* from ANY university, college or school
Public: $20 (Please hurry as the "Public" ticket price will be raised after January 8)
Students: Obtain from eventbrite:
http://asx2010symposium. eventbrite.com
Public: Obtain from UofT TIX: http://uofttix.ca/view.php?id= 579
This event has attracted well over 1,000 attendees in the past, so book your ticket early! PS This is a superb event Folks! If you are able to attend, by all
means do so.
SAVE $60!
on the purchase of the
Celestron Nexstar 130SLT!
Reg.$569, On Sale for $499!
While Supplies Last
To order toll Free Call 1 800 580 7160
or local 416 783 4140
ᅠ Save $80!
Celestron NexStar 114GT Computerized Telescope
On Sale for $399 (Reg. $479)
-Easy to Use Skyalign Software-It finds objects for you!
No knowledge of Night Sky required..............
-Great Family Fun, In-stock, Order now: Call Local 416 783 4140 or Toll Free 1 800 580 7160
Free Bonus Accessory Kit! 
with the purchase of the
Celestron Nexstar 102 SLT!

To order toll Free Call 1 800 580 7160
or local 416 783 4140
New! Sky Mentor Observing
Chair. Adjustable padded seat.
Only $159.00 

The Celestron CGEM telescope Series available in 3 sizes
8", 9.25" or 11" ᅠ one is sure to fit your needs and budget! |