Subject: Keep your pants up, this is not for the faint hearted

Hello Friend,

       As a rule of thumb,  you won't find trouble unless you go looking for it.

So I asked Lloyd at the local coffee shop, why he would be expecting anyone to be coming with him with a knife?

  Especially in such a quiet, friendly town on Manitoulin Island.

     Well, turns out that Lloyd has had a few scraps in his life, and the thing about being stabbed with a knife is,
that you might not realize it right away.

   He pointed out that he had seen a youtube video  where a police officer was arresting a suspect (wrong guy it turns out),
and the real culprit, who was to the Cop's immediate left, pulled out a knife, and stabbed the officer at least a dozen times
in succession.

   The officer stumbled back, and keeled over, and unfortunately died as a result.

You will recall that Lloyd also had a heavy duty belt buckle, that he could remove in an instant, and use as a counter weapon,
keeping the attacker at a distance with the length of the belt.

     It occured to me, that if he took his belt off, his pants might start to fall down, and that could be interesting as well....

    I can see the Newspaper headline now.

So, I'm not running out to buy a large belt buckle,, even if it says "Elvis" on it.

No sir.  

I'll just do my best to avoid anyone waving a knife around, in the first place.

And  if you want to see the details on the Celestron Special offer we have for you
starting today, then just go here: 

You are gonna love the Celestron Capture the Cosmos sale!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS With Spring just around the corner, this is the perfect time to be planning your springtime observing activities.
      I know many of you have not been able to get out this Winter, and your just itchin' to get out under the stars
      once again.