Subject: Just like a heroin addict.....

Hello Friend,

     For the past couple of nights it's actually been clear around here.

And hovering around zero degrees celsius, which feels like an absolute delight, compared to the
frickin' cold weather we had here in northern Ontario, Canada for the month of February.

    Where it was more like minus 25c every night. :(

Wind chill or no wind chill. 


       So of course like a junkie who needs a "fix",  I  went outside and enjoyed some views of the night

I didn't stay out for very long, but that didn't matter.

It was just to enjoy a moonless night, and take a quick look around to remind myself  that
the night sky rocks, and there is much to appreciate.

     Perhaps you are the same way?

Tell you one thing, I sure caught up on a lot of reading in February, since it was so cold, that I
was quite pleased to stay in and read books (and yes, watched a few Sherlock Holmes episodes
with Benedict Cumberbatch on Netflix as well).

    Anyway, I tested out a new entry level telescope by Meade Instruments, that was released last

Now you might wonder why I would bother.

I am always curious as to how well a newly introduced product will work for the prospective customer,
regardless of what it sell's for.

That is something that has always sustained my passion for this hobby.

     Being able to test out new products, and see if they:

a) live up to the manufacturer's claims

b) have any issues that a new user might run into immediately.

Anyway, I'll report on this particular instrument in a future newsletter.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan