Subject: Join us at the Astrocats Canadian Astronomy show, May 3rd and 4th

Hello Friend,

    The Astrocat's is better than a raccoon in an Iowa Cornfield!

Better, than watching Robert Redford doing a solo performance in a 2 hour movie....(and then some).

It's really where the action will be happening this upcoming weekend.

Now I could go on and on, about it, but let's just say, that it's an opportunity to visit an
actual astronomy trade show here in the greater Toronto area.

Simply put, you have a whole bunch of manufacturers of telescopes and accessories, and a whole
bunch of telescope dealers, all under the same roof.

And you get a chance to peruse, and check out some really cool equipment.

And will we have some show specials to entice you? You bet we will!  

That that's your incentive to come out to this show, and see what it's all about.

If you've never been to one before, well this is your chance for enlightenment.  

Come visit us at Khan Scopes at booth #17 at the show, and stop by for a chat, and
introduce yourself personally, if I have not met you in person.

All the details are right here:   

Need I say more?

Ray "The Cat of Astro" Khan

PS  To the best of my knowledge, no real cats will be present at this event, so if you have
allergies don't worry. You can be a really cool cat, just by showing up.

PPS Here's the real kicker. There are well over 19k of door prizes being given away at this event.
        That's really cool.  See ya' there!