Subject: "I've never seen anything like that before!"

Hello Friend,

                        And perhaps she never will again.

Those were the words of  Sam Martine, of Nanton, Alberta who recently spotted a couple of " weird, hovering lights"
while watching TV with her daughter.

(Were  they coming to abduct Premier Allison Redford perhaps? Just askin' that's all......)

    Apparently, there a quite a few UFO sightings in Alberta, for some reason.

What did they see? Some red and green lights. 

So Sam grabbed her digital camera, and fired off some shots. She got a bunch of squiggly lines.

Martine's 14-year-old daughter Baylie tried to take a picture of the objects with her cellphone, but said the camera was acting weird.

"The picture went completely green and later on that night it ended up deleting itself."

Well of course it did.  Aliens don't want evidence left behind.

They are selective, and did not delete the  photo's on her mother's camera of course.

Now, personally I've had  few unusual sightings myself on occasion. (Mayor Rob Ford excluded!)

     In fact, I saw some odd lights several years ago one night at Starfest, a star party, late at night while observing. 
In fact, there was another witness with me. 

After a bit of research, we came to the conclusion that it was likely a military plane flying overhead.

We don't know for sure though....

And I'm not losing any sleepless nights about it either.

    Perhaps one day we will find some definite supporting evidence, for UFO's, or beings from other planets.

It's just not right now, that's all.

Clear Skies,

Ray "Unidentified" Khan

PS The thought that we are not alone in the universe, is a very curious one indeed.