Subject: It's time for "Let's make a deal"

Hello Friend,

      Well, it's finally time: The Astrocats weekend has arrived. Saturday May 3rd, and Sunday May 4th.

And I've got some splendid news for you.

Splendid news that will save you a ton of money if you are in the market for a Meade or Celestron telescope
right now.

Here's the scoop:

If you are visiting the AstroCats show this weekend, then simply follow these instructions:

Visit the Meade or Celestron manufacture Booths, and check out the remarkable array of  telescopes on display.

Then visit Khan Scope Centre at booth #17, and speak to yours truly. 

And I will exercise my right to
give you a super deal on any of those instruments on display, at the show, if you are prepared to buy at the show.

It's that simple!

Could it be any fairer?

Don't think so.

Clear Skies,

Ray "Let's make a deal" Khan

PS If you are unable to make it to the show, then drop me an email at and I'll
      see what I can do, but it's first come, first serve in either case.  Door # 3 ain't an option!

All the show details are at