Subject: It's planetary imaging time and ZWO cameras are on Sale. Save on SeeStar S50 was well

Special Savings offer on the Best Planetary Imaging Cameras and the SeeStar S50 Smart Telescope

Hello Friend


It's the time of year to focus on Planetary Imaging.

Right now you can save on Many ZWO Imaging cameras that are on sale.
These are the best and easiest cameras to image with and the results are outstanding.
Customers rave about them for good reason.

Plus: For the first time ever the SeeStar S50 Smart Telescope is also on sale.

If you have been on the fence as to whether or not to buy one, well now 

is your best opportunity to Save $$$ and get truly one of the best imaging products to come out since the Ginsu Knives  was invented. 


Whats a Ginsu Knife? Well "It slices and dices and makes Julienne Fries!" as the 

announcer would say on the idiot box a few years ago, usually late at night .


Now of course the SeeStar S50 does not do any of the above, when it comes to imaging it's pretty incredible.  Especially for those like me, who want to dabble in imaging and get their feet wet.

We are receiving shipments of ZWO products on a regular basis.

Sometimes keeping items in stock is a challenge, but never fear your
order will be filled relatively fast if we sell out of something during this 

superb sale which ends relatively soon.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan