Subject: It's hunting season for Ringo deer

Hello Friend,

We all have our favorite holiday songs at this time of year.

Sadly, some of the best and obscure one's are rarely played.

I'll share one of those with you in a minute.

Now here in the North, it just happen's to be hunting season
and while I'm personally not a hunter (other than hunting astronomical objects)
there are many locals that do.

It's a way of life for many here,  who hunt the deer, and then actually eat
it during the winter months.

And for some, it's just an excuse to hang out with the boys, and perhaps
have a drink or two, and share hunting stories.

Those are similar to Fish stories btw.

But there is one deer who won't be trapped or end up on anyone's plate
this year, and that happens to be:  Ringo Deer.


Ringo deer was a Christmas song that's one of my favorites at this time of year
and I was listening to it yesterday.

Written by a Toronto Disc jockey back in the 1960's, who wanted to capitalize
on the Beatles craze. 

So give it a listen, if you're in the Christmas spirit.

Or into the Christmas spirits, whatever the case may be!

Ho, ho, ho

Ray Khan

PS For those hunting astronomical objects, there is no better piece of equipment to do so than
     the Mallincam Xterminator.  (
     With it you can be visually observing magnitude 17, with a 6 inch telescope! Now that's a mighty
     fine piece of hunting gear, if you ask me.