Subject: It's down to the wire now, this offer ends at Midnite.

Hello Friend,

In just a few hours, the Meade  ETX 125 Maksutov Cassegrain savings of $100 will be over.

"Mr Accountant" had to admit that the sale was a good way of solving our inventory woes
even though we took a loss on each unit.

Originally he had stated that I had "lost my onions" but now, of course, he's being as quiet as a mouse.

  Offering a rare $100 off the Meade ETX 125  offer ends at Midnite tonite Monday, April 2nd.

No coupons required and No extensions on this promotion.

Please do not email me tomorrow and ask.

(It happens all the time, the answer everytime is "No" just so ya know)

I understand, that life does get in the way sometimes, but it's not fair
to others that were passed out and drunk on their couch or missed the 
deadline because they were on a Netflix binge or surfing porn websites.

Not saying you would do that, but ya' know.

A big Thank you to the many of you who took us up on this offer and helped us with
our warehousing issues.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is the link again to the sale: 
Meade ETX 125