Subject: It's Easy Peasy, 1 2 3!

Hello Friend,

     Yesterday, I shared with you a few slang British expressions, which were common when I was growing up
in the UK and today I'll share a couple more :

   All in the interest of increasing your vocabulary.  Ain't education a great thing?

"Keep your pecker up"-  Well, this simply means to keep your chin up. (Yes, I know
  exactly what was running through your mind. Friend..but let's keep this clean, ok?)

"Luvvly-jubbly"  this simply means that everthing is just fine.

   Don't you just love the Brits?  Yes indeed...

        I also told you about the Explore Scientific AR152 6 inch refractor on the Altazimuth Mount,
and some of the exciting benefits of this "luvvly-jubbly" telescope.

*classic air-spaced, crown-and-flint, doublet achromatic f/6.5 refractors with a superior-class optical figure
2" dual-speed Crayford-style focuser
*one-piece 2" diagonal with 99% dielectric coatings
 * 8 X 50 finderscope and quick release bracket, and a cradle ring assembly with Vixen-style dovetail mount
*Explore Scientific Twilight II Mount with pier extension

That's a whole lot of  telescope, in a very portable telescope.

Note the very worthwhile aperture.  It's an  Easy Peasy decision.

And if that's not enough to entice you, then how about a whopping 27% off this package.

Regular price is $1508 and we've discounted it to $1187 till February 28th.

Here's the link if you want to check it out.

Call today to order yours 1 800 580 7160 or 416 783 4140.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS We also accept trade-ins for the above offer.

PPS Easy Peasy? Well it means simply that: EASY.