Subject: It's Boxing Day Madness, One Step Beyond!


Khan Scope Centre Boxing Day Sale
(Partial Listing of Products)
Prices in effect December 26th Only
Retail Store hours: 10am to 7pm
Item 	                Reg     Sale	
Celestron Products:
Celestron EDGE 1100HD 3850 3499
CGEM 1100 3199 2999
Nexstar 8 SE* 1299 1249
Nexstar 6 SE* 879 849
Celestron 102ED OTA Omni 750 625
Ambassador 50mm Brass 549 499
*plus mfr $100 Rebate Giftcard
Meade Instruments
ETX 125* 799 699
10" LX90 SC* 2650 2499
LT 8" ACF* 1725 1625
LS6" SC* 1549 1449
*Plus mfr FREE Bonuses
Orion Telescopes
Starblast 6 Intelliscope 499 449
12" Intelliscope Truss dob 1499 1399
EON 80mm ED APO OTA 650 575
Alt az easy track mt 299 199
(9972) Premium 190mm
F/5.3 Mak-Newt OTA 1299 999
All instock Meade Series 5000 and
4000 eyepieces- 10% off!
All TeleVue Eyepieces in stock-5% Off!
All Used Telescopes and Accessories-
We pay the taxes!

{Please note, any items ordered online December 26th
will automatically be given the sale prices, though
the shopping cart price may not reflect that)

Visit our website at

Khan Scope Centre
3243 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario. Canada
M6A 2T2

Toll Free: 1 800 580 7160
Local: 416 783 4140


fax: 416 352 1701

