Subject: Is your telescope hungry for high quality eyepieces at a discount?

Hello Friend,

Have you ever been so busy that you forgot to eat dinner, then realized you are hungry?

That's what happened to me last night.

At around 9 pm I realized I was starving!  What to do? Raining and cold outside...forget it.

I got online and ordered Indian takeout (delivery) from a local restaurant here in Toronto.

The dude on the other end of the line said it would take 45 minutes.

I threw a movie on "Raging Bull' with Robert Deniro an oldie but a goodie.  It's also how I was
starting to feel being so hungry.

In the movie, Boxer Jake LaMotta throws his steak off the table, because his wife overcooks it.

Fool that he was.

Then my cell phone rang around 10 pm:

   "He'll be there in a few minutes; traffic is bad".   (This place is like 10 minutes away by car).

Dude showed up after 11 pm.  

The one saving grace to this whole fiasco was that I had one can of Cameron's Cosmic Cream Ale
in my fridge which I was able to sip slowly until the grub showed up.

What was I working on that kept me so busy earlier Saturday? 

It was these smashing deals on eyepieces which you will find on our Daily Deals Page.

Here is your opportunity to buy high-quality eyepieces at genuine huge savings.

For a very limited time.   It's all there: Explore, TeleVue, Vixen, and Morpheus by Baader.

If your telescope is "hungry" for high-quality eyepieces and tired of being "fed" crap ones, then
here is your opportunity to solve that problem!

Check out the Daily Deals right now.

Remember,  it's not going to last very long.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

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