Subject: Is the hobby of amateur astronomy dying?

Hello Friend,

      I must admit to wondering about this the past few years.

Seems that whenever I go to star parties and other astronomical events, it is pretty much the same faces,
getting older, a few more grey hairs...(just like your's truly).

    And the ones that I don't see anymore, have either passed away in some instances or possibly moved
on to other interests.

   Where are all the new younger folks?

      Not a week goes by where there is not something about space that comes up in the media,
whether print of Social media.

So where are the new amateur astronomers?

Fact is that today there are many distractions for the younger generation, who tend to spend a lot of
time on their electronic devices, of one sort or another.

     Wish I knew the answer, but I don't.

Do you?

Something to think about.

And something else to think about is this cool new, low cost product from our friends at Mallincam.

Now that the halcyon days of summer have past us by, the fall is the perfect time to get out and
do some stargazing and\or imaging.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS I am still quite enthused about the hobby of course, and equipment choices have never been better
      or less expensive with more featuresI might add.