Subject: Introducing the Meade LX70 series

Hello Friend,

   Well just when you think you have seen it all, along comes another cracker to throw things for a loop.

Now he had this nutter int to the store recently, who claimed that the earth was only 100 years old.

    Now the guy claimed he was not in the least bit wonky, and was going to proceed to explain this to us.


Before he had a chance to get this story sorted out, we gave the punter something else  to think about,
and that was the story about the hollow earth.

Surely you have heard of the hollow earth theory?

Apparently, a certain Admiral Richard E. Byrd flew over the South Pole during the last century and found
the entrance that goes into the hollow earth where apparently there is another race of beings
who are quite content to live there, and want to have nothing to do with those above the earth's crust.

That's the reason we never see them of course!

     Anyway, we never quite figured out why this chap  he had come in, in the first place.

No mention made of wanting to buy a telescope, binoculars or microscope.

When you work in a big city like Toronto, you are going to run into all sorts of, well let's just say,
"interesting people".

Now getting back to something you can believe in, and that is an entirely new series of MEADE

Introducing the Meade LX70 series:

If you love classic telescopes, then you are going to love the features and the prices of these

And to make things just a tad better, and the bees knees, we are offering them on sale!

check them out here:

       PS As an extra bonus, you can buy the dual axis motor drive for half price!

  Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS As an extra bonus, you can buy the dual axis motor drive for half price noted above
      when purchased at the same time as any of the instruments. Fancy that!