Subject: Idiots abound

Hello Friend,

I'm presently in the lovely town of Banff, Alberta visiting our new granddaughter who
is just a couple of months old.

You know, cutest baby ever!

The more I travel  our  country, and other parts of the world, the more I appreciate what a
beautiful country we are blessed to live in.

So much natural beauty, and rivers, and mountains.

And of course some Black bears and grizzlies too.

  Since I'm the visitor in their backyard
I'll be respectful on the hiking trails, and keep my distance.

So imagine my surprise when I got an email from the store, telling me that some drunken
fellow had come in, with a broken telescope, and started acting quite belligerent.

Of course,  if you live in a city the size of Toronto, for any length of time, you are going
to see this type of behaviour from time to time.

It's unfortunate.

Needless to say, since gonzo was impaired and driving,  he was asked to leave, and 
he was reported to the police.

Gonzo, also had two ladies along with him, that at least had enough sense to realize
he should leave when asked too.

Personally, I'd love to introduce this fellow to a grizzly bear, or black bear and see
how quickly he sobers up then.

That's life in the big city.

Which is why I'm glad to be amongst nature right now, and prefer the company,
of Grizzlies and black bears, to a limited extent of course.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan